Website Requirements
- Website Content Requirements
At a minimum, each special district must post the following information on its official website, please click on any link for information:
General Information:
- Full legal name – West Manatee Fire & Rescue District
- Public purpose – Information contained here
- Boundaries / service area – please click here
- Services provided – Information contained here
- Charter / creation document – Information contained here
- Statute or statutes under which the special district operates – Information contained here
- .Date established – Information contained here
- Establishing entity – Information contained here
Contact Information:
- Mailing address – 701 63rd St. W., Bradenton, FL 34209
- e-mail –
- Telephone number – 941-761-1555 Website address –
- Registered agent – Ben Rigney, Fire Chief
- For each governing body member: – Commissioners Name, Address, email, Term If applicable, the appointing authority (county, municipality, Governor, etc.) – Not applicable
Revenue Information: – View here
- Taxes, fees, assessments, or charges imposed and collected.
- Rates or amounts for the current fiscal year.
- Statutory authority for the levy of the tax, fee, assessment, or charge.
General Financial Information:
- Fiscal year period – October 1 – September 30.
- Tentative budget – View here
- Final adopted budget – View here
- Budget amendments, if applicable –
- A link to the following page on the Department of Financial Services website so the public can view the special district’s Annual Financial Report – here
- If required, the final, complete audit report for the most recent completed fiscal year, and audit reports required by law or authorized by the governing body of the special district – here
- Code of Ethics, if adopted
- A link to generally applicable ethics provisions (visit the Florida Commission on Ethics website and select “Ethics Laws”)
- If Applicable, Defined Benefit Retirement System or Plan Information (excluding the Florida Retirement System), as required by Section 112.664, Florida Statutes – Reporting standards for defined benefit retirement plans or systems – West Manatee Fire & Rescue District is a member of the Florida Retirement System and CH175 Pension Plan: here